Tuesday, February 3, 2015

3 1/2 year old update :)

Mr. Bradley! Where do I even begin... my baby is not a baby anymore and in fact quite the big boy.

My sweet, caring, funny, musical, boy is getting so big. Now potty trained, sleeping in a big boy bed, and being a big brother. This kid is one of the most well behaved kids around. He has his moments but, they are becoming few and far between. It's crazy to think that he was brought into this world almost 4 years ago.

Bradley, is into everything right now. But, he has his favorites. Cars, four wheeler, police stuff, books, music, Mickey and Daniel Tiger.

Talking up a storm and saying, some pretty hilarious stuff Bradley is becoming quite the boy. Some of his latest quotes are:
"Oh, well, that sounds nice..."
" Chief, I'm eating my dinner...."
" No, No, No, Dusty...."
and ... I'll leave the other ones to the imagination. We'll just say he's quite the parrot.

Bradley, is the greatest big brother around. Dustin and him can be heard for a while playing together. It's amazing to watch the bond they have get stronger and stronger over the months. They are truly going to be best friends.

What can I say, this kid is just wonderful. Hopefully, my next update will include PRESCHOOL in it :)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Electric Piano for Mr. B

 We decided yesterday to pull down my electric piano from the attic and put it in Bradley's bedroom. He wasn't to sure at first. But, after a few minutes he was totally into it. Now, only has one beat that he prefers and seems to really enjoy it. Even, Dustin dances to it. This was yesterday, once it was in his room. We decided to just put it on the ground instead of try and put it together and make it stand. He'll be teachable I bet within the next year. Very musically inclined.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Want your 3 year old to clean up ?

Ever wonder how to make a 3 year old clean up ? I've got the perfect solution! Just get a baby who crawls and that should solve your problem.
This morning Bradley, brought down his bowling set that Santa got both him and Dustin to play with. While, Dustin is not even close to old enough to play with the set correctly. He still likes to throw the pins around and bang them on the ground. Bradley seems to think that they are just for him. So, when he had them on the ground and Mr. Scooter came over and tried to take them from him it didn't go over so well...
What was supposed to be fun "play time" quickly turned into clean up my bowling pins and put them somewhere Dustin can't get them time!
Oh, boy does Mr. B have a rude awakening coming soon... It's a matter of time before Dustin is walking!


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mickey's In The House Folks

 Well, per Bradley's request and mommy's dying urge to get those hideous "tires" off the wall. We have changed over his room theme to Mickey. It's a theme I was going to do anyways once, we moved Dustin in with him in a year. It was a process as the tires were black and they had to be covered in order to change the theme. So, after about a two day process of painting and what not his room is now complete on that end of things. There are still more things I want to do...

The entrance to his room :)

His bedding, his name which the letters are red on top and black on bottom.

Not sure what I'm going to do with this wall. As Dustin's bed will be here once he's moved into the room.

This is the wall that had the oh so wrong looking Mickey face on it. Now, it's an idea that I got off line :)

This is only HALF of his toys! The rest are scattered in the landing :)

One last shot of the adorable bedding <3

Still most definitely a work in progress as you can see where the circles were painted over. But, it looks better then it did. I want to get curtains for the windows and a few other things... like possibly shelving for all of his cars :) But, for now it's all Mickey Mouse just like he wanted !

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

3 Years And Counting...

Bradley, turned 3 this past August. I must say, everyone warned us about the "terrible twos". I think it's the three's that everyone should be warned about. Having said that though... he is the sweetest, loving, caring, boy anyone could ever ask for

Bradley, loves cars, motorcycles, basically anything with wheels and a motor. He's basically, daddies twin. Bradley, is talking up a storm. His vocabulary is out of this world and it's amazing the things that will come out of his mouth. He loves arts and crafts. He also loves to have books read to him. He truly enjoys the outdoors which, is absolutely amazing being that we live in a place where you really do kinda have to enjoy the outdoors.

Bradley, recently became potty trained within a 3 day span. He is doing great with it although, we have yet to take him out in the car and try it out. We shall see.... none the less at least he's potty trained :)

Last Summer, Bradley, found out that he would be becoming a big brother :) He got the shock of his life when baby Dustin Shane entered the world in February. Taking a little time but, he has accepted the role of big brother and does a fantastic job with Dustin. He is mommy's helper during the day while, daddy sleeps.

Well, that's all for now... on Mr. B :)

More to come ...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Fun under the sink!

This is Bradley's new idea of fun. It's quite funny. He seems to be in to the idea of cleaning. Maybe that's a good thing haha!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Life at home :)

 This kid is growing up way to quickly! I watch him daily as he learns new things and becomes such a sweet and loving little boy. The smiles, giggles, and laughter that fill this home because of him are things that we would not trade for the world. He is truly an amazing little boy. Who is loved beyond words.

We've been busy packing and getting ready to move into our new home soon. So, mommy has not been on top of her "blogs" about the love of her life. But, a few days ago... I was messing around with my camera after figuring some things out. I thought I'd snap a few photos of my little boy... here is playing around with his police car and watching Sesame Street.


 This was the other day, before we headed out the door to go food shopping and what not. Truly adorable!