Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Busy Body Bradley !

I'm pretty sure, this kid is on the go constantly! It's like an energizer bunny that never stops. But, oh how I adore him!! This is him trying to escape with his blanket out into the living room. The blanket fell off his head once he raced for the door. LOL.
The train horn was a big hit! If only he could figure out how to blow the horn :) 
"What do ya got there mom ?" LOL... 

And again... growing up way to quickly!!!

Morning Time With Mr. B :)

I'm still at a lost as to how we got so lucky with Mr. B's sleeping abilities. This morning he woke up at 6am to be fed. I was no where near ready to get up. So, I gave B his drink and went back to sleep... till 9:15. Mr. B was laying in his crib when I went into get him. He was all ready to get up and play!

This DVD came in a box of goodies from B's Grammy and I must say, he loves Sesame Street!!! He was hooked on one of the other ones that I had gotten for him but, this one is his new favorite. The other day I caught B dancing to it while he stood up holding onto his bouncy toy. It was pretty cute :) 
Hahaha... he likes to be really close! This is him trying to climb the table that the TV sits on. It's super funny to watch him try and talk to the TV and the characters. He will hit the TV screen, scream at the TV, and say... "Nananananananana" to the TV screen! Pretty stinking cute!! 
For the longest time we had a toy Cop car sitting on our book shelf out in the living room. Yesterday Daddy, gave it to Mr. B. he loves it!! The dog how ever is scared of the thing... probably cause it moves if you hold it backwards and then let it go. Here is Mr. B watching the TV and playing with his toy Cop car. 
The other day I noticed that B had discovered how to open the DVD cases that are in his Sesame Street book shelf. But, opening them was not all that he had learned to do... he had also learned to take the DVD's out and play with them :) The photo below shows him trying to open up the DVD case :) 
Got em' both !! This kid loves his blankets :) The proof is in the photo... 

Growing up way to quickly :)