Thursday, March 28, 2013

19 Month's And Counting... UPDATE!

Well, it seems like it was just this time last year that I was ordering his 1st Birthday Party stuff. Now, I'm writing a blog on my baby being 19 months old. Which would mean there is only 5 more months until my baby is 2 years old. It's absolutely crazy how fast time has flown by with my little buddy.

Bradley, is getting to be quite the little boy! He is turning into his own little person. I love watching his personality come out. Each day, he does something new. He truly is the light of our lives.

The other day, daddy tried it out with Bradley sitting on his lap on the four wheeler. Just slowly going down the drive way and then back up the drive way. He wasn't to sure what to think of it. But, I'm sure he will be riding with daddy in no time. Since, the kid loves the out doors!

Bradley, is talking up a storm! It seems like within a period of 24 hours his vocabulary expanded. Some of his new words are...
* Wow
* Ow
* Whoa
* No :)
* Bebe (Baby)
He can also say...
* Mama
* Mommy
* Dada
* Daddy
* Yes
* I did
* That
* Baba
* S word
* A word
* Che che ( Chief )
* Hi
I'm sure there are a few more that I can't think of but, for the most part those are all pretty understandable.

Bradley, is an active little boy. He loves to play with his toys. His toy cars, and animals are a big one. He also loves to be outside. Just recently we took him around the block with no stroller. He was having so much fun. He walked the whole block like such a big boy. He enjoys playing with rocks, picking at the grass, and just noticed the trees outside.

Bradley, continues to love music. Any type just turn it on and up and he will show you his moves. He loves to dance in the car in his car seat and just recently in his high chair :) Which is pretty funny to watch.

Bradley, eats breakfast, lunch and dinner and usually has 2 snacks in between them. He loves fruit and bread. He has his favorites but, he is quite the picky eater. Just recently he has become alot like the dog in the sense that, you can't eat anything without him wanting it. Some of the foods that you can bet he will eat are...
* Cheese
* Hotdogs
* Toast
* Yougurt
* Bananas
* Corn
* Carrots
* Cheeze its
* Ghram Cracker Bears
* Mashed potatoes
* Chicken
and a few more things...

Bradley, is still on soy milk. I'm sure he could do 2% but, his body still acts weird when given to much dairy. He is given lots of juice as of lately to help him go pooh :) We've been to the Dr lots it feels like to try to get it under control and to make sure that he is not screaming in pain every time he goes.

As of 18 months old Bradley, is completely off bottles! I'm proud to say, that the transition when smoothly and we have not turned back since. Bradley, gets 1 cup of milk before bed and nap time.

Bradley, is and has been on a schedule for as long as I can remember. His schedule right now, is usually him waking up around 830 and hanging around in his crib till 9 when mommy & daddy get up. He usually goes back down for a nap around 11 or Noon and sleeps for 2 to 21/2 hours. He then usually gets his Pjs on at 6pm and is able to run around for another half hour. At 630 it's time for teeth brushing, face washing, hand washing, kisses for daddy, and then mommy tucks him in and gives him his milk and turns on his lullaby's and says, "goodnight buddy, I love you to the moon" and he usually smiles back :) And then... it's off to dream land. I say, "I'll see you in the morning" and it's time for mommy & daddy to clean/relax.

Nothing like raising a little boy! I  always thought I would love to have a little girl. But, nothing could ever replace the love I have for B. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'd pay to have another little boy :) Hopefully one day soon Bradley, will have a sibling ;)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Shampoo... Conditioner .... And....

Body wash who would of thought of such a product? Pretty cool though :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Book worm...

This morning I came into Bradley's room
After finish cleaning. He had been playing in his Room. I found him looking at a book I caught the aftermath of him looking at it. When I walked in he had the pages open and was flipping through. Here is what I caught...

Sitting on the table

Bradley seems to like the coffee table! He has figured out how to climb on top of it...

Eating dinner with mommy :)

Bradley, is becoming quite the big boy! Last night he had dinner when daddy got home. Lately because he has been sick... He has not had much of an appetite. So, we've been feeding him as he lets us know he is hungry. He loves his hot dogs & juice:)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Outdoors kinda boy!

Well, Bradley is an outdoors kinda guy! He loves it outside! Last night we had BBQ steak for dinner so, I let Bradley run around out side while daddy BBQ! He had so much fun walking on the grass, picking up rocks and getting his hands in the mud! He also loved hangin out with the doggy who Bradley just adores!! Here are some photos...