Wednesday, October 15, 2014

3 Years And Counting...

Bradley, turned 3 this past August. I must say, everyone warned us about the "terrible twos". I think it's the three's that everyone should be warned about. Having said that though... he is the sweetest, loving, caring, boy anyone could ever ask for

Bradley, loves cars, motorcycles, basically anything with wheels and a motor. He's basically, daddies twin. Bradley, is talking up a storm. His vocabulary is out of this world and it's amazing the things that will come out of his mouth. He loves arts and crafts. He also loves to have books read to him. He truly enjoys the outdoors which, is absolutely amazing being that we live in a place where you really do kinda have to enjoy the outdoors.

Bradley, recently became potty trained within a 3 day span. He is doing great with it although, we have yet to take him out in the car and try it out. We shall see.... none the less at least he's potty trained :)

Last Summer, Bradley, found out that he would be becoming a big brother :) He got the shock of his life when baby Dustin Shane entered the world in February. Taking a little time but, he has accepted the role of big brother and does a fantastic job with Dustin. He is mommy's helper during the day while, daddy sleeps.

Well, that's all for now... on Mr. B :)

More to come ...