Tuesday, February 3, 2015

3 1/2 year old update :)

Mr. Bradley! Where do I even begin... my baby is not a baby anymore and in fact quite the big boy.

My sweet, caring, funny, musical, boy is getting so big. Now potty trained, sleeping in a big boy bed, and being a big brother. This kid is one of the most well behaved kids around. He has his moments but, they are becoming few and far between. It's crazy to think that he was brought into this world almost 4 years ago.

Bradley, is into everything right now. But, he has his favorites. Cars, four wheeler, police stuff, books, music, Mickey and Daniel Tiger.

Talking up a storm and saying, some pretty hilarious stuff Bradley is becoming quite the boy. Some of his latest quotes are:
"Oh, well, that sounds nice..."
" Chief, I'm eating my dinner...."
" No, No, No, Dusty...."
and ... I'll leave the other ones to the imagination. We'll just say he's quite the parrot.

Bradley, is the greatest big brother around. Dustin and him can be heard for a while playing together. It's amazing to watch the bond they have get stronger and stronger over the months. They are truly going to be best friends.

What can I say, this kid is just wonderful. Hopefully, my next update will include PRESCHOOL in it :)