Friday, January 25, 2013

15 - 17 Month UPDATE :)

Well, you may want to say Bradley is still a baby! But, think again... this little boy is growing like a little weed. He is very independent, social, happy, and all around just a good boy.

 He continues to amaze us each day with the things that he learns. Most recently his ability to climb up onto the couch by himself and with in the last 72 hours climb off without face diving.

 He is getting closer and closer to being put into a big boy bed. We are fearing the day that he figures out how to climb out of the crib. We are hoping that wont be till the crib is ready to be put to use again. We are hoping that is sooner rather then later. :)

The past few months have flown by with the little man ... Tomorrow he will be 17 months! I can't believe how fast time is going by. Before I know it we will be celebrating his 2nd Birthday! This little boy has stolen my heart and I can't remember my life before he came into it. He is the sweetest, funniest, most adorable little  man I know.

He is prepping himself for the terrible twos... we can see some tantrum style things coming out. Especially when he doesn't get his way. Can't have something he wants. Can't get into a room that he wants to get into. Ect. But, for the most part he is a good listener and knows the word NO... just can't always expect him to listen to it.

Bradley, is a talker :) He is full of it when he talks ! He can say few words, most are hard to understand. I can usually pin point a few that are actual words but, just don't sound correct yet. Some of them include...
* Baba
* Mama
* Dada
* Okay (O tay)
* Shit
* ass
* Oh
* No
* Yes
* Yeah
* Hi
* shush
... I'm sure there are more but, that's all I can think of right at this moment.

Bradley, is full blown walking and the newest trend is to run! He runs from you, to you, from room to room... ect.

Bradley, loves music! He loves to dance... you can always catch him shaking back and forth. His newest move is stomping his feet :) He learned it from one of the raffi videos we have :)

He is into just about anything now n' days! His favorites are the plunger, toilet cleaner, dogs water bowl, dogs food bowl. He will stick his feet in both. He will also carry around the plunger ;) GROSS!

His favorite toys to play with as of right now are Dinosaurs, race cars, and anything musical :) Including his doggy, and police car.

Bradley, has quite the appetite! He eats just about anything... haha! I wish!!! He has become quite the picky eater :( But, were working on finding things that he likes...
* Bread
* Cheese
* Noodles
* Crackers
and some other things...

He continues to be on Soy Milk :( His body can't handle much dairy! He is still on bottles and since the California trip that is all... I'm working on getting him back onto sippy cups!

Bradley, is still on a strict schedule as of right now he goes to bed at 730 every night! Gets up around 8am :)

Happy boy, Happy Mommy & Daddy and his best friend Chief :)

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