Friday, January 11, 2013

Bradley's Book ...

Bradley, is a lucky little boy! He's got a fairly big family... both sets of Grandparents, 2 sets of cousins, 2 aunts, an uncle, on top of extended great aunts, great uncles, cousins, and more cousins, and just lots of people that love this little boy! He isn't lucky since we live so far away from everyone. Being that he is so young, we can only Skype so often before he forgets... So, for Christmas his Mamo made him this neat book filled with family photos in it. He just loves it!!! It's all foam and the laminated photos in it are perfect so he can look at it, bend it, and do just about anything to it... and so far so good. He loves photos, he loves to point to them and babble. 

Here are some photos of him looking at the book. I use it to help me change his diaper. It gives him something to look at :) 

Love, this little boy :)

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