Thursday, September 20, 2012

12 Month Update... A little late!

Well, hard to believe that in 6 days I will have a 13 month old! Bradley, went to the Dr. the other day for his 1 year well baby check up. The Dr. appointment was not the same as he decided that he wanted nothing to do with the Dr. it was not the same one we usually see... as the one we love was well over booked until the end of November :( We will see her though when, Bradley goes in for his 15 month appointment. We instead saw a Dr. who was in her residency... she was very sweet!

Bradley, got shots on this check up 4 to be exact.... one for the chick pox, Hep A, Flu, and some other one. It was not a pleasant few moments when she shot both of his legs twice with four different needles. But, he pulled through and did really well. 

He continues to grow and be as healthy as a clam ;) His stats for his 1 year appointment were... 
Height: 30 1/4 which put him in the 50%
Weight: 22.21 which put him in the 50% 
Head Circumference: 18 3/4 which put in the 75% 

Bradley, is super busy now and days and continues to learn new things! Here are some things he has been up to ... 

* Walking he takes 6 -7 steps at a time and will resort to crawling after those steps. Then will do the steps again about 15 minutes later. We are patiently waiting for the day he takes off running LOL ! Dr. Said, most kids don't start walking till around 15 months. So, he is right on track :) 
* Dancing yes, he dances! It's probably the cutest thing you could ever imagine. He learned it from his Raffi tape. Raffie sings a song called "6 little ducks" and wibble wabbles and Bradley, took on after that and now you can catch him dancing ALL the time :) He also head bangs LOL... Daddy, taught him that one! 
* Talking Bradley, has 3 words under his belt that Daddy & I can understand the newest one came out of his mouth today, it wasn't one that we would normally approve of but, it was pretty funny to here him say, as he was talking back and forth with Daddy! Here they are... 
* Hi
* Yeah
And ... * Ass ~ Yes, that's right he said ASS clear as day! 
Some other words that he has down pat are... 
* Baba
*yaya ~ Another form of yeah 
* mama
* dada

Bradley, has so many toys right now... I don't know what ones he favors! All I know, is that he loves to be in his room :) 

Bradley, is now eating "people" food! He eats just about anything! His newest thing is to want whatever mommy and daddy are eating. Some of his faves include.... 
* Ham
*Beef Bologna
*French Fries LOL 
* Spaghettie 
*Mac & Cheese 
* Green Beans 

Bradley is also now drinking milk and is completely off of formula! We've got him on Soy Silk Milk and he just LOVES it! He continues to be off of bottles during the day, with one before bed and one before nap time. 

Bradley, also continues to be on a schedule ! He adjusts it as he needs ... I'm not joking either :) Right now, he goes to bed between 6 & 6:30 and wakes up between 7 and 7:30am will normally lay in bed until 8 or so. 

We couldn't be more in love with this little boy! He is amazing !!!

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