Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hot Dogs & Cheese ... Yum ?

My little boy... is growing up so quickly. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze these moments that we share together where, he learns something new or does something new or just being him. It's hard to believe that he is off of baby food, almost off of formula still weaning him... and now eating "big boy" food. He has, meals... just like mommy & daddy. I can't wait for this weekend so, that we can actually have "family" meals together.

Yesterday, Bradley go to try hot dogs. Since, he loved the ham, turkey, cheese, and bananas I had given him the previous days... I thought why not try some hot dogs!? So, I added some cheese in there with them... this little boy has got his Daddy's appetite :)

The dogs :)
Although, he feeds himself... he still does not have it perfect yet.... you can watch as a collection of food grows on his bib. Or... better yet down his diaper ;) LOL
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet, big boy!
Always got a smile for mama'!
Cheese or Hot dog ?
Gotta get every bit!

He is such a joy and wonderful kid! Love him so... much!!!

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