Friday, August 31, 2012

Mr. B's Morning...

Well, Bradley's schedule has once again been adjusted to fit his needs and and wants during the day. We put Bradley on a schedule when he was 4 months old. It was probably one of the greatest things we could of done. It has helped so much as he has gotten older. We can just adjust it to fit what his needs/wants are.

This morning ... was new, as we woke up at 8am and he was fed breakfast. We then played for a while until it was time to Skype with Grammy. After Skype he settled in for a little Sesame Street :) he wouldn't pass that up for the world! LOL

Here are some photos of the morning :)

Eating his Breakfast... Nanners & Peaches
He loves remotes!
Going to make sure the doggy was still where he "parked" it.
Playing with his toy :)
It was Sesame Street Time !

Pretty awesome kiddo I have !!!

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