Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Doggy & Elephant For Mr. B!

Bradley, got so many new toys for his Birthday! It didn't help that mommy was buying "used" toys for him weeks before his Birthday Party. The boy has so many different toys to play with he has trouble keeping his focus on just one for more then a few minutes. Lately we have been having trouble getting him to go down for a nap during the day because, he has so many different toys that he just has to play with! It's pretty cute to watch!!!

I can not believe how old he is getting. How quickly he has turned from a baby to a full blown toddler. He is just filled with personality now. It's so much fun watching him turn into his own little being. We adore this little boy so much! He has changed our lives forever and for the better. I hope our 2nd one is just as wonderful as he is.

Today, Bradley and I spent the morning playing in his room while daddy slept in a bit. Bradley, was having lots of fun playing with all of his toys. He LOVES the doggy that Mamo & Papa (Daddy's parents) got him for his Birthday. It sings, "teaches", talks, all sorts of things... he can push it around and it makes all sorts of noises. He smiles when it sings. The longer and more you push the more it does/sing ...ect!
He also loves the computer :) LOL
After he was done playing with his doggy... we went into his room to play with all of his toys. My dad got him this Elephant when he was here a month before B's birthday party weekend. Bradley, just loves it... getting the shapes out is a favorite thing of his to do. As you can see in the next two photos...
And again...
He quickly became distracted when he realized, Mommy had something a little more interesting in her hand... a CAMERA!
My little thumb sucker :) I love this little boy so... incredibly much!!!

Love you sweet boy!

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