Saturday, August 25, 2012

Then & Now ... Bradley's ONE!

Hard to believe it has been a year... since, we brought Bradley home!

This was him a year ago...
Bradley! Now, a year later...

Standing up like a big boy! I have been so lucky to be able to stay home with him for his first year of life. It looks like it's going to continue to stay that way also. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Bradley, has his 1 year check up tomorrow :)

He continues to learn new things... but, some of the newest things he is doing... are:
* Waving
* He responds to you asking him questions in what sounds like mumbo jumbo ;)
* He does "SO BIG"
* He stands alone

He has so many toys! I don't think he knows which one is his favorite.

He continues to be a great sleeper :) Hard to believe a year ago we had to keep him in a swing to sleep. Now, he sleeps through the night for the most part. He still take a bottle at night, but he does really well, during the day on sippy cups.

I watch as i type him try to figure out how the printer on the ground works. He is a very curious little boy! Who likes to DRUM... yes, that's right! He LOVES to bang on anything that will make a noise. We call it "drumming"

He is the light of our lives!

Can't wait for the next umpteen years :)

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