Friday, August 3, 2012

11 Month Update!

Well, this is a little late... but, better late then never! Bradley, is getting so big...

The kid is up to so much these days... he is just about as busy as a baby boy can be at 11 months old. He sure does keep mommy & daddy on their toes... here are some of the things he has been up to :)

* Walking when holding your hands. Just recently he can do it holding just one hand :)
* Babbling big time. He sounds as if he is saying certain words like... No, Yes, and yeah and this... they sound really mumbo jumboish but, Daddy and I can kinda make them out.
* He has figured out how to open up DVD cases. He loves to open them up and take the DVDs out and eat them ;)
* He loves to put things in his hands and then they go in the mouth... :)
* He just discovered the grass the other day, had to try it :)
* He is now sitting in high chairs when we are out to eat.
* He sits in carts at Wal Mart & Safeway

Other things...
He is still eating baby food that has no chunky stuff in it. Still forgets to chew :)
We have introduce whole milk to him... he is not sure about it LOL.
He continues to be off bottles during the day except for naps and bedtime.

Bradley, is still on a strict schedule :) Bedtime lately has been anywhere between 5 and 7pm due to him having 4 top teeth coming in at once :(

Other then that... Bradley, is doing wonderfully! Here are some more 11 month photos...

Can't believe how old he is :)

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