Saturday, August 25, 2012

Walking with his doggy !

Bradley, got two different "push" toys that he can walk behind for his birthday. One was a doggy that sings and does all sorts of different things. It's really neat and he just loves it! The other one was a Police Car that he can sit or push. It has a siren and gun noises and music LOL. We call it the Police/Ice Cream Car haha.

This afternoon Bradley, was enjoying pushing his doggy around. My little boy is getting so big! So quickly! I just can't believe it. The following photo... was of his doggy stuck to the chair...
Bradley, figured out if he pushed the chair in... he could move the dog out of where it was stuck. I almost cried... thinking of how big he is getting. He continued from there and pushed the doggy around...
I taught Bradley, a few months back "SO BIG"... you may remember the video that i posted of him being taught it. Well, now he just can't get enough of it. He was doing it the whole weekend and week we had company here. He will now just put his arms up and expect you to know what he is doing :) It's rather cute! Here he is doing it for Daddy... LOL.
My mom found a Raffi tape at one of the thrift stores up here while she was here visiting. I went to see him when I was a little girl. We have played for Bradley, twice now and he just loves it. Here he is watching it ;)
... Again, with the one armed "SO BIG"!

My little boy is growing up way to fast! Can't imagine my life without him!

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