Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1st Birthday Prep & Party photos :)

... I spent most of Saturday evening decorating after family left that evening. Sunday, was the big day that everyone had been waiting for! B's first birthday party :)

I had, had everything ready to go months in advance! Sunday, couldn't of come faster... I prepared everything and the party turned out wonderful :)

Here are some photos of before...

1 Table ....

Food Counter :)
The wall & B's seat :)
Mommy & Daddy's Presents, Grammy & Pappy's presents!
Fire fighter B & Daddy.
Grammy waiting for the party to start!
Hang out spots are ready to be taken :)
Gifts :)

And more Gifts :)
B. trying to figure out what was going on.
G.G walking with Bradley!
G.G. walking with Bradley, again!
Amanda, Mil, and hubby chit chatting :)

And then... the dog :)

Super fun day !

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