Saturday, September 1, 2012

Musical Baby :)

We are still so confused as to where Bradley, got his love for music. I'm convinced he must of heard it in the womb every day driving to work and what not. Needless to say, this boy loves music. He loves just about anything related to music... yesterday, afternoon we put on Raffi which was one of Mommy's favorite kid music persons when she was growing up. Bradley, seems to love him also. He was having fun pushing his doggy around and would smile every time the music would come on... He also learned the little waddle Raffi does in his chair... hence the video of the dance I had posted on FB.... here are some photos of the busy musical boy ;)
What are you doing mom ?
Heading to get the dog :)
Gotta get that bone ...
Watching Raffi :)
On to the next thing...

My little busy bee ... Love him!

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