Sunday, December 23, 2012

First try at coloring :)

Well, Bradley has been sick for over a week now and today was the first day that he was finally back to his normal self! So... after a long day of him running around causing chaos it was time for mommy to figure out what else I can do to entertain this little sweet heart of mine :) 

I decided that I would pull out the crayons and tape a piece of paper down to the table! I figured the worst that he would do would be to just rip the paper up and throw the crayons on the ground. Low and behold he was actually interested in what I had put on the table for him. He tried to figure out for the life of him what in the world these weird things do... 

I held his hand with the crayons in them... and I'm pretty sure this boy is going to be a left hander like his mommy :) 

Here are some photos of him "trying" to color on his own :) 

 This is the finished product :) Mommy was finally able to hold his hands and him move them so that they would make scribbles :) At least some of that is his work...  He was having fun...
The End :)

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