Sunday, December 23, 2012

How to eat a Banana ... Bradley's way !

Bradley, like his mommy loves bananas. He has one for breakfast every single morning. Here he is playing with his bananas... his new thing is to spit his food out, look at it, then put it back in and eat it :) It's really, really, really, gross LOL. 

My bananas have to be squished in my hands before I can eat them...

 Get ready... here they come...
 The classic, I spit my food out, look at it, then...
 Put it into the side tray where my cups go ... and ... save it for later ;)
 Then I calmly try and dig out the "old" food under my booty :)
 After I'm all done there... I go back to my food that I had put in my side tray where my cups go!
The End :)

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