Sunday, December 23, 2012

Garbage Picker & Present Snatcher ;)

Bradley, has just recently figured out how to push the garbage can lid to "swing" open. He likes to dig in it and find little "goodies" sometimes he will pick out wrappers to fruit snacks, boxes, or banana peels... like today.

 I was doing dishes in the kitchen this afternoon when, I noticed that he was standing by the garbage can.

So, I poked my head around and I saw this...
 I thought eh, Bradley dug out another banana peel ! WRONG WAS I... I poked my head further around the counter and saw this...

 Bradley, has been sick for the past few days. His appetite has been MIA... So, he has been living on bananas and milk for the past few days. Well, apparently he was a little more hungry then I thought! Yes, right after I found this he had a snack and was a happy boy :)

It wasn't shortly after I had put him up for his snack time that I noticed that he had gotten a few other items out to play with! I have a feeling I know where he gets it from ... his mommy :) To bad only one of these were his gifts! Don't worry though he has plenty more under the tree ;)

Happy baby :)

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