Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Meals For Bradley :)

Well, after a few days of no appetite! Bradley, is back to normal :) 

Today, he had so much to eat !! It seemed as though he spent most of the day eating. But, i'd rather him be eating then not. Here are some photos of him in his Elf shirt for the Holidays :) 

Eating by the tree :) Happy Holidays!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

First try at coloring :)

Well, Bradley has been sick for over a week now and today was the first day that he was finally back to his normal self! So... after a long day of him running around causing chaos it was time for mommy to figure out what else I can do to entertain this little sweet heart of mine :) 

I decided that I would pull out the crayons and tape a piece of paper down to the table! I figured the worst that he would do would be to just rip the paper up and throw the crayons on the ground. Low and behold he was actually interested in what I had put on the table for him. He tried to figure out for the life of him what in the world these weird things do... 

I held his hand with the crayons in them... and I'm pretty sure this boy is going to be a left hander like his mommy :) 

Here are some photos of him "trying" to color on his own :) 

 This is the finished product :) Mommy was finally able to hold his hands and him move them so that they would make scribbles :) At least some of that is his work...  He was having fun...
The End :)

How to eat a Banana ... Bradley's way !

Bradley, like his mommy loves bananas. He has one for breakfast every single morning. Here he is playing with his bananas... his new thing is to spit his food out, look at it, then put it back in and eat it :) It's really, really, really, gross LOL. 

My bananas have to be squished in my hands before I can eat them...

 Get ready... here they come...
 The classic, I spit my food out, look at it, then...
 Put it into the side tray where my cups go ... and ... save it for later ;)
 Then I calmly try and dig out the "old" food under my booty :)
 After I'm all done there... I go back to my food that I had put in my side tray where my cups go!
The End :)

Garbage Picker & Present Snatcher ;)

Bradley, has just recently figured out how to push the garbage can lid to "swing" open. He likes to dig in it and find little "goodies" sometimes he will pick out wrappers to fruit snacks, boxes, or banana peels... like today.

 I was doing dishes in the kitchen this afternoon when, I noticed that he was standing by the garbage can.

So, I poked my head around and I saw this...
 I thought eh, Bradley dug out another banana peel ! WRONG WAS I... I poked my head further around the counter and saw this...

 Bradley, has been sick for the past few days. His appetite has been MIA... So, he has been living on bananas and milk for the past few days. Well, apparently he was a little more hungry then I thought! Yes, right after I found this he had a snack and was a happy boy :)

It wasn't shortly after I had put him up for his snack time that I noticed that he had gotten a few other items out to play with! I have a feeling I know where he gets it from ... his mommy :) To bad only one of these were his gifts! Don't worry though he has plenty more under the tree ;)

Happy baby :)

Elmo's Cook Book!

One of Bradley's favorite "people" besides mommy & daddy :) is Elmo! I don't know where this kid got his love for Elmo... but good lord! One of Bradley's favorite videos to watch is Elmo's Cook Book. Although he doesn't get to watch it often cause it's a longer video. When he does get to watch it... he just loves it! Last night he got to watch it. There is a song in the video that he just adores... I was able to capture some photos of him intently listening to the song last night. He was also watching daddy clap :) 

 Here he is waiting for the "No" that followed shortly after this photo was shot. One of his favorite things to do is to knock down all of the DVD's and VHS that are on the shelf where he is standing! You can almost catch the floor at the bottom of that bookshelf to be a complete mess!

Love this little boy :)

Bananas For Chief! Love, Bradley!

Well, since Bradley has been sick he has not had much of an appetite. Although not eating much his love for bananas has remained. In fact that is all we have been able to get him to eat. He will drink milk and according to the Dr. that is good enough for now since, it has calories in it. 

Well, yesterday Bradley decided that he would give Chief his left overs that he didn't want. They flew on to the floor. Before I could get to them to pick them up... Chief came over and cleaned the mess up for me :) 

 This was before he decided that he was going to feed the doggy :) He loves his bananas ... just like his mommy!

Such a lover... even when he is sick :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bradley & Chief In The Snow :)

After Bradley had his fun sledding with daddy. He decided that the dog needed some attention also. So, we let him run around out back for a little while in the snow. Chief was not sure... but, he hung out with Bradley while he ran around anyways... It's good to see that I have a little outdoors man for my husband. I won't get stuck going camping ;) Hopefully our 2nd will be a girl !! 

So... much fun to be home!

Sledding With Daddy :)

Well, we returned from back from a long vacation in California! We had a few new items for Bradley, to try out including a brand new jacket that his "mamo" bought him along with a hat and gloves for the snow. Which upon arrival into the airport we were greeted by white :) The next morning daddy, mommy and Bradley all headed out to get groceries that were much needed and daddy bought Bradley a neat little blue sled. Later that afternoon after Bradley's nap we went outside to play in the snow...

 Although, he was not to sure about it... he screamed and screeched as though he was having a grand ol' time!!

The End!

Friday, November 23, 2012

I made a new friend...

Today I put Mr. B in his crib so I could fold his many clothes that he goes through during the day. Although, I had just done his laundry the other day ... yesterday he decided that he would go through not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 not 5 but 6 outfits. He also made mommy go through 3 pairs of pants and two sweatshirts. So, today I did his laundry. Well, this doll he has that was actually mine when I was a baby it plays music and he absolutely loves it before he goes to bed. Along with his lamb that my aunt debbie and uncle tom got him that also makes different noises. Today though was the first time that I have seen him interact with this doll. It was funny because hubby was just saying, that we don't want that scary looking doll as his main toy. Well, looks like he may have already choosen...

I was so glad to see that he was pulling the dolls hair and not mine ;)

Christmas Tree Lights :)

Bradley, likes all kinds of lights! So, it was no surprise yesterday, when we set up the Christmas tree that Bradley would like the lights. At one point he tried to rip the lights of the tree, at another point he was trying to eat the lights :) LOL... here he is running around with his blanket and looking at the lights :) 

My sweet boy :) 

First Thanksgiving Dinner :)

Bradley, ate first on Thanksgiving! Because, mommy screwed up and started everything that she knew would take just a few minutes to prepare but, little did she know the Turkey was NO where near done :/ So... Bradley, got to eat a Thanksgiving feast and then later on try some Turkey :) 

This was him prepping himself to eat a meal :) LOL

He was not sure at all about mashed potatoes. 

Again, you can see in his face not to sure!


HAM & Chief waiting for a handout :) 

No, potatoes!

He loves his corn :) 

And... Pudding Love is an understatement!

MMM... so good :)

He had so much fun eating his Turkey dinner :)