Friday, November 23, 2012

I made a new friend...

Today I put Mr. B in his crib so I could fold his many clothes that he goes through during the day. Although, I had just done his laundry the other day ... yesterday he decided that he would go through not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 not 5 but 6 outfits. He also made mommy go through 3 pairs of pants and two sweatshirts. So, today I did his laundry. Well, this doll he has that was actually mine when I was a baby it plays music and he absolutely loves it before he goes to bed. Along with his lamb that my aunt debbie and uncle tom got him that also makes different noises. Today though was the first time that I have seen him interact with this doll. It was funny because hubby was just saying, that we don't want that scary looking doll as his main toy. Well, looks like he may have already choosen...

I was so glad to see that he was pulling the dolls hair and not mine ;)

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