Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Snow Balls !!!

What a better way then to spend a cold snowy day then outside playing with snow balls :) Yep, that's right we spent yesterday afternoon playing in the snow... well, on the pavement. I made Bradley a little snow ball and he just loved the fact that he could bang it and throw it and it took it a while to "break" or in my words go "krrrr splat" :) But, Bradley had so much fun playing with the snow balls and putting them on the table that's outside. At one point we had a very intelligent conversation... I had Bradley in my arms... Bradley, saw the snow ball so, I handed it to him... here is what took place... 

Me: That's a Snow Ball Bradley! 
Bradley: Yes (Takes the snow ball from me)
Bradley: I got this! 
Me: What is that Bradley? 
Bradley: Ass! Ass! 
Me: No, No, That's a bad word! 
Bradley: Yes! 


Here are the photos from him running around on the pavement with his snow ball ! I think I may have captured our Holiday card photo in this set... ;) 

So... much fun!

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