Monday, November 12, 2012

Blanket, Blocks, Books ... 3 B's :)

Yesterday, after moving of B's furniture AGAIN! We played until it was time for snack and then a nap. It wasn't long until he had the whole room in a mess... but, before It was hard to see the floor of his room. I thought I would snap some photos. Bradley, loves his blankets! He has his favorites that he likes to sleep with... those same ones can be seen scattered around the house though when he is not in his crib sound asleep. He also, has those that go in the car with him.... the tiny ones that is. Then there are those that go outside when he plays... No matter the blanket, size, or use of it. You can pretty much find them all some where in the house. Yesterday, though he played with more then just the blanket... it was a "b" day :) 

I couldn't imagine my life without this little boy :)

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