Sunday, November 11, 2012

Auntie Photo Frame Love :)

 The other evening Bradley had gotten out of the tub...

 Every night after his bath we take him into his room to get him dressed and then he is free to what he pleases (Well, you know) LOL... He decided that he would walk over to his book shelf and grab the frame that his aunt Haley got him for his 1st Birthday and walk around with it. He walked all over the house... I thought for a minute that he was going to stick it into the water bowl for the dog. But, we managed to avoid that ... and he brought it back into the living room. I snapped a few photos...

He was pointing to the photo and I said, "That's your auntie Haley and you as a baby, Bradley" he pointed Haley  and said, "Yes" :) He was really interested in looking at the photo. I wish we all lived closer... I know, Haley and Bradley would have an amazing aunt and nephew relationship!!! 

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