Friday, November 23, 2012

A Thanksgiving Day For B :)

 Thanksgiving Morning :) We hung out at home all day on Thanksgiving... Bradley, had fun having mommy and daddy home and getting to run around and play with his "brother". They had some serious bonding time and I think it's the start of a great "relationship". They played with an outlet cover that Bradley had found and was chewing on. The dog got it and chewed on it ALOT and basically crushed it! Bradley, got it back and put it back into his mouth :) mmmhmmm ... LOL. Bradley, also played with his toys in his room, but lately he has been finding other items to play with ... :)

 At 10am every week day Sesame Street comes on... Bradley, is addicted to anything that has to do with Sesame Street. Lately, he has taken a real liking to the couch ... he uses it to climb on and roll all over. He seems to like the dogs spot "bed".

Bradley, usually gets a snack before nap time. He is now eating cereal... he can also eat the gerber snacks that you can buy at the store. He loves fruit! So, he loves the fruit snacks that you can squeeze into your mouth.

 This was his lunch that he had after he woke up from his nap :) He loves meat ... just like his daddy :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

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