Sunday, November 18, 2012

Demolition Of Growth Chart On Wall !St

Boy's will be boy's apparently! The other day Bradley, decided that he was not a fan of having his growth chart on the wall. The growth chart used to be daddy's and his cousin's. Bradley, has not yet started to use it ... as we can not get him to stand in one place to even attempt to use it. Needless to say, the other day Bradley thought that it would be a good idea to get it off the wall and "play" with it. It went well for Bradley, but I felt sorry for the growth chart! In the end no one or thing was harmed... LOL ;) 

Step 1 pat the growth chart and tell it how wonderful it is :) 
Step 2 grab it so it slowly starts to move away from the wall.

Step 3. Pull it so it is fully away from the wall... 

Step 4. Now YANK on it so it completely falls down!

Step 5. Inspect it :) 

Step 6 . Try to measure yourself with it.

Step 7. Read it ... 

Step 8. Take it with you and find it a perfect spot to rest.

Step 9. Leave it on the ground for mommy to clean up :)

The journey of the Growth Chart ... The End!

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