Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Yum, Yum, Yum, Pudding!

The other night Bradley, had his first taste of pudding :) No other word to describe what he thought of it... then these pictures of my Mr. "neat" eater ! He was clean with his birthday cake and again, he wouldn't make a mess with his pudding! But, he did love it!

Love my boy!

Race Cars = FUN!

The other day Bradley had so much fun playing with his little cars in the living room with mommy! He loves his little race cars. When we first got them for him, he would only stick them in his mouth... but, now he loves to push them around. So, it's become kind of dangerous to have them anywhere besides his room or else the likely hood of someone stepping on them and breaking their neck or going sliding across the floor is totally real ;) 

Here he is though playing with his toys and cars :) 

Police Officer Bradley ;)

My little boy is growing up so quickly! He has gotten so good at pushing his Police car around and his doggy. This Police Car Bradley just can't seem to get enough of. He is getting pretty darn good at pushing it around and moving it when it gets stuck. The other day he had quite the time playing with the car =) 

Maybe he will one day follow in his daddy's footsteps!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mom, Why sit on the ground ?

... When I could sit on the printer! ;) Is what I saw this morning when I looked down near my foot and saw a cute little boy! He was not sitting on the ground ... he was sitting a top the printer which sits on the ground because, the spot for the computer is a confined little spot. So, the printer really does not fit... plus, it never gets used really. Here is what I found... LOL!

Bradley Feed's Chief ;)

Bradley, has just recently figured out the best way to win Chief over is to feed him while he eats! Chief now will stand at the bottom of Bradley's chair in which Bradley's high chair sits on and wait as the food begins to fall from above. I'm not quite sure where Bradley figured out to do this... maybe, it's the pure fact that it's probably the best way to win his "brother" over... as we call Chief to Bradley! So, yesterday... It was a perfect time to catch the festivities on camera of Bradley eating and Chief eating/awaiting what Bradley would throw on the floor basically. Chief is still not to sure about Bradley... So, we encourage interaction that lets Chief know that Bradley, is also human just like mommy and daddy are! Here are the photos :)

Love my boys :) 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Teeth brushing!

Bradley, has 7 teeth in his mouth and 1 more coming in! That's 4 on top and ALMOST 4 on the bottom :) Since, my little munchkin drinks lots of milk, juice and sometimes water :/ we started brushing his teeth when he turned a year old. The doctor recommended we do... as he will need to be made an appointment at the dentist soon... at least from what the doctor had told us on our last appointment. So, I try to brush his teeth every night before bedtime. Bradley, seems to just like the taste of the training toothpaste... so, last night I decided to snap a few photos of me "trying" to brush his teeth. It failed big time when he wouldn't let go of the tooth brush and instead decided to just suck on it and get the taste of the tooth paste out as much as he could. LOL ...

 This was him afterwards... all he wanted to do was get away from that brush LOL...

Love that boy!

Bath time = Happy time :)

My little water baby =) LOVES the bath!! It's probably one of the things that he looks forward to most during the day. He can't be left in the bathroom with the toilet lid open since, he likes to play in the water ... I know ew! He also likes to put things in the toilet bowl. Yesterday, it was almost a picture frame with pictures in it, his slipper almost went into the bathtub, his cups go into the dogs water bowl all the time, and his cars, and anything else that he can fit into a bowl, tub of water. But, needless to say... Bradley, is going to be super easy to teach how to swim. Here is last night's bath time ...

He was very focused on his toys! Happy Baby =)

Paper, Toys, And 1 Mr. B =)

Yesterday, was a lazy day for Bradley! Mommy took Bradley to go meet her bestie for lunch at the pita pit... and then it was back home! Bradley, has decided as of lately that his noon time naps are a no go as of yesterday. He would rather take a nap at 2 in the afternoon... so... after he got up yesterday, he decided that the paper looked fun to play with ! He then decided about an hour or so later that it was time to get cranky again... so, I pulled out his toys for him to play with. Which didn't last long so, I sat him in front of the TV :)


Such a toddler!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

1st Hair Cut =)

We have been debating taking Bradley, to a salon to get his hair cut. It was growing pretty long and he just about had a little tail in the back. But, after doing some research and reading that it's most likely not going to happen that your 1 year old will sit or for that matter let a stranger get close enough to cut his hair. I decided to research the best way to cut your toddlers hair.

After reading...

I decided to wake him up from a nap and let him eat his snack. After realizing while he was eating would be the perfect time to cut his hair. I started trimming the sides...

I quickly realized this would be a very careful and slow act of cutting his hair. As I could not let him see the scissors or his whole head would turn and look at me. LOL!!

So, I would hide the scissors... I then moved to the top of his hair and used a comb to kind of pull the hairs up so, I could cut them. It worked fairly well...which I was happy about.

After it was all said and done... here is what the little man looked like =)
Happy boy :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blocks A Blanket And Mr. B =)

This morning Bradley was all about screaming ... I'm not sure where he has learned how to scream but, he is quite good at it. It was driving mommy nuts so, I pulled down his blocks that his great grandma made for him for his 1st Birthday and he was happy as a clam. He just loves when they are rolled on the ground at him. He laughs like it's the funniest thing in the world! He doesn't quite no how to throw back yet, but ... he sure did have fun trying to get them all and looking at them.

 Bradley, loves his blankets!!! In fact I think love is an understatement! I always new that we would figure out which one he would be dragging around by them time that he could walk. Now, here we are at that age and I have yet to figure out which blanket he prefers! He loves his flannel blankets ... he has a sport one and a pooh bear one and between the two it is a tough decision as to which one he should drag around. This morning though, it seemed to be his sport one that he dragged around the house! It started in his bedroom and the blanket landed in the kitchen... I couldn't keep up with the kid...

Getting tired... but managed to get it to the kitchen ;)

B And His "Cars"...

Bradley, got two different "cars" for his 1st Birthday! One was a police car and the other was a doggy that makes all kinds of noises, songs, sounds, and is just one fun toy all around! Well, Bradley loves both of them. He is constantly trying to figure out ways to get them both out of their spots they sit in, in his room. Yesterday, Bradley had quite the "game" going where he would push the cars to one spot and "park" them and then push them to another spot and "park" them. He would eat in between this game he had going! Here are some photos of him and his "parked" cars =)

Love my little boy!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bedtime story first's =)

There is a first time for everything growing up... and last night well, Bradley had another of many more firsts to come! Bedtime stories :) I decided to do it because, he has been wanting to stay up later and later... So, I figured... 6:30 bedtime stories, kisses, and bottle and bedtime ... the first story was only fitting since Halloween is right around the corner. The second was just because he seems to love the book so much! :) 

More on bedtime stories to come =)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Trouble with a capitol T ;)

Bradley, has had a relaxed couple of days the past few days. Yesterday, we didn't do much... but, when Bradley got up her insisted on sharing his breakfast with two toys that were apparently hungry also! 

 This afternoon after getting back from running an errand ... Bradley, decided that all of his cups needed to come out of the kitchen drawer and play ;)

My little trouble maker =)