Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Teeth brushing!

Bradley, has 7 teeth in his mouth and 1 more coming in! That's 4 on top and ALMOST 4 on the bottom :) Since, my little munchkin drinks lots of milk, juice and sometimes water :/ we started brushing his teeth when he turned a year old. The doctor recommended we do... as he will need to be made an appointment at the dentist soon... at least from what the doctor had told us on our last appointment. So, I try to brush his teeth every night before bedtime. Bradley, seems to just like the taste of the training toothpaste... so, last night I decided to snap a few photos of me "trying" to brush his teeth. It failed big time when he wouldn't let go of the tooth brush and instead decided to just suck on it and get the taste of the tooth paste out as much as he could. LOL ...

 This was him afterwards... all he wanted to do was get away from that brush LOL...

Love that boy!

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