Thursday, October 18, 2012

1st Hair Cut =)

We have been debating taking Bradley, to a salon to get his hair cut. It was growing pretty long and he just about had a little tail in the back. But, after doing some research and reading that it's most likely not going to happen that your 1 year old will sit or for that matter let a stranger get close enough to cut his hair. I decided to research the best way to cut your toddlers hair.

After reading...

I decided to wake him up from a nap and let him eat his snack. After realizing while he was eating would be the perfect time to cut his hair. I started trimming the sides...

I quickly realized this would be a very careful and slow act of cutting his hair. As I could not let him see the scissors or his whole head would turn and look at me. LOL!!

So, I would hide the scissors... I then moved to the top of his hair and used a comb to kind of pull the hairs up so, I could cut them. It worked fairly well...which I was happy about.

After it was all said and done... here is what the little man looked like =)
Happy boy :)

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