Thursday, October 11, 2012

13 Months And So Many ...


Bradley, is growing up so quickly! He has gone from taking 6 or 7 steps to being a full blown energizer bunny on two legs! He is constantly on the go ... and while he has not figured out how to run yet! He is VERY close. It won't be long ... 

Bradley, continues to just thrive and be the happiest little boy in the whole wide world! He makes it so easy to wake up each morning and want to be around him constantly. He is the light of our lives... 

Bradley, is walking like I said before. He is also babbling up a storm... not a lot of real words coming out of his mouth yet. But, he sure does babble a lot! The words that he can say are: Hi, Yeah, Mama, Dada, Baba, and ass... his newest one that I am almost positive is coming out in some form is shit... Yes, mommy and daddy have mouths of a sailor ;) We are working on it LOL. 

Bradley, loves to do a variety of things now and days! Some of his favorite past times are... 
* Pulling DVD's off of their shelf. 
* Pulling things out of the kitchen drawers. Most recently a favorite is cookie cutters that are in their original packing. 
* You can find him at the dog's water dish during the day. Last night he stuck a chip bag clip in the water dish. Daddy found that this morning :) He also stuck his sock and his "play" cell phone in the dogs water dish. 
* The hallway cabinets... he loves to open the doors! It makes the hallway look like a old saloon LOL. 
* His room and his toys! I don't know if he has a favorite toy! He has so many!!! But, he sure does love his room and his toys! 
* His blankets :) His favorite blanket is the sport one that my husbands old co-worker's wife made him. He constantly drags it around the house with him! :) 

Bradley, is still on Silk Soy Milk and he loves it! He is also eating up a storm :) He is not a picky eater and his menu has been added to... 
* Bologna 
* Ham 
* Turkey 
* Oven Roasted Turkey 
* Honey Ham 
* Dino Nuggets 
* Carrots & Peas 
* Cheese 
* Hot Dogs 
* Fries 
 and many more! 

Bradley, continues to be on a strict schedule :) His bedtime now n' days is anywhere between 6 & 7 pm and he is usually awake by 8 am :)

A few days ago we had gotten Bradley a pair of hard soled shoes! He is not yet used to walking in them... So, yesterday while at Wal Mart I got him a pair of soft soled shoes. He loves them!!! 

 Here is the little munchkin :)

Bradley was going to bed with 8oz bottles for the most part for the past months. I have been wanting to ween him off of the bottle at night and at nap time. So, I saw these 5oz bottles at Wal Mart the other day... I thought this would be perfect! Bradley, took right to them... So far so good!

That's all for now folks :)

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