Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blocks A Blanket And Mr. B =)

This morning Bradley was all about screaming ... I'm not sure where he has learned how to scream but, he is quite good at it. It was driving mommy nuts so, I pulled down his blocks that his great grandma made for him for his 1st Birthday and he was happy as a clam. He just loves when they are rolled on the ground at him. He laughs like it's the funniest thing in the world! He doesn't quite no how to throw back yet, but ... he sure did have fun trying to get them all and looking at them.

 Bradley, loves his blankets!!! In fact I think love is an understatement! I always new that we would figure out which one he would be dragging around by them time that he could walk. Now, here we are at that age and I have yet to figure out which blanket he prefers! He loves his flannel blankets ... he has a sport one and a pooh bear one and between the two it is a tough decision as to which one he should drag around. This morning though, it seemed to be his sport one that he dragged around the house! It started in his bedroom and the blanket landed in the kitchen... I couldn't keep up with the kid...

Getting tired... but managed to get it to the kitchen ;)

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