Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Breakfast For Champions & Q-Tips!

Bradley, is 18 months today !! Hard to believe in another 6 months we will be celebrating his 2nd Birthday! Crazy how fast the time has flown by! 

Bradley, is growing up way to fast! With each passing day we notice new developments, words, movements, ect. His newest found love is Toast... yes, he loves toast! Below you can see a typical breakfast for B... Oatmeal with Dinosaur's in it ;) Nanners, and Toast :) 

Last night before Bradley went to bed. He had fun getting the q-tips out of his bathroom and on to the floor and playing with them. It wasn't to long before mommy got him out of the bathroom and he played with them on the couch. Where... the dog happened to find out that he liked the taste of the q-tips and ate about 7 of them :/ Bradley, was having fun putting them back into their container and then taking them back out and dumping them on the floor. He even found it fun to give the dog what he wanted which was the q-tips. It was no surprise the dog woke up with the toots this morning ;) All that matters is that Bradley, was having a blast...

Looking at Daddy! 

The End :)

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