Monday, February 18, 2013

UPDATES: 18 Months!

Bradley, had his 15/18 Month check up today! While, the little boy is still our little baby and will always be our little baby at heart! Bradley's stats state other wise... my little baby isn't so little anymore!

Height: 32 1/2 Inches ~ 60% 
Weight: 26 pounds ~ 51% 
Head Circumference: 19 1/2 ~ 90%

Bradley, got 4 shots today! Which was not a fun experience at all !!! But, afterwards we went to Wal Mart cause the Dr. also prescribed him some medicine for his bottom. We got him a cheap Thomas The Train plastic toy. We also got him a few more things... that were cheap. Crayons, Sidewalk Chalk, and bubbles... which he loved!!

Bradley, is up to quite a bit now n' days ! Still, trying to figure things out... but, has mastered climbing, running and walking all very well!

Bradley, is talking and while you may not be able to understand all of the words he says. You can understand...
Mama,Dada, Che che, Yay, Yes, No, That, This, Is, ect... along with a few not so wanted words ;)

Bradley, is a happy kid most of the time. He is teething again right now and out of all of the teeth that have come in... these molars that are coming in seem to be the hardest to break through. It has made for some tough nights of trying to get this little boy to bed. But, for the most part he is doing just fine.

Bradley, is the love of our lives! We can't imagine life without this little man in it. Every day is a new day of learning, smiling, laughing, and just all around a blast with this little boy. Bradley, has given us a new meaning of life and what a blessing it is! We truly are so blessed with this little boy.

Bradley, has and I think always will be a great sleeper! He goes to bed at 7/730 and wakes up around 8am. You can usually find him hanging in his crib till 9am or so when mommy & daddy get up :) He is such a good boy!

Bradley, loves to play and plays very well by himself! No, we didn't choose to have it that way... but, he is a very independent little boy!

There is so much more... but, I've got to go eat dinner :) LOL 

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