Friday, February 8, 2013

Old, New & Used!

This morning Bradley and mommy went to run some errands! On the list of things to do was to get Mr. B a big boy car seat :) For those of you who have seen Bradley in his "old" car seat lately... he looks like he is going to go over the sides at both the top and the bottom :) So, we figured it was time for a big boy car seat! On top of that he is of the appropriate weight for the type of the car seat that we got! So, we got home and mommy installed it! Only, to have daddy come home and do it the way he knew was right :/ even though mommy read the instruction booklet ;) Anyways... then it was out with the old in with the new... 

 Here is my little man ... riding his his new car seat :) Daddy moved it to the next row when he got home and did it the way that it was supposed to be done according to him! :)

Bradley, got his first pair of dress shoes today for only $3 bucks :) They are super cute on him!!!

The end :)

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