Friday, February 8, 2013

No More High Chair Tray :)

Well, Bradley's first Christmas consisted of many presents! But, one from his great grandma wouldn't be able to be put into use until later on down the line. So, mommy put it up for a while and about a week ago she pulled it down and tried it out ! Bradley, took right to it!! And... the time for the high chair tray to be stored away was upon us... so, up on the fridge it went (that is up on the top of the fridge... not on the fridge :/) haha! 

Anyways... Bradley seems to like the plate because it separates all of his food ... which makes it so he eats all of his food also! Eating all of his food never used to happen when it was all "together" on his high chair tray. 

Here is my little man eating :)  

And what happens when you let a 6 year old get a hold of your camera again! :/

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