Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bradley And The Place Mat...

Apparently Bradley has found a new toy and it's not just any toy it's the place mat right off the kitchen table. The other day Bradley was grabbing for it and I believe it was Daddy who decided to give it to him. I didn't think he would want to hold on to it and for that matter chew on it. But, what do I know! Apparently he wanted to do much more then I thought with it. He was having fun tasting all of the different items that have been placed or dropped on that place mat. Pretty gross if you ask me but, he seemed to enjoy it!

He really liked it when mommy would play peek a boo with it. It's pretty funny to hear his belly laugh :) He is getting to be such a little boy. It's amazing how going from 6 months to 8 months they change drastically. Bradley, is definitely becoming a toddler. It's very apparent in the way he is letting mommy and daddy know when he doesn't like something or in the way he has started screeching at the top of his lungs. It's becoming a learning experience for both mommy and daddy.

We are having a blast though ... :) We love the little boy to death !!

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