Monday, May 21, 2012

Not So Baby Anymore :)

We have been super busy with living life in the new house... So, the blogs have been lacking :) But.. here is an update of the not so baby like little boy that is growing faster then I could of ever imagined.

Well, Saturday we will have a 9 month on our hands. Today, marks the 1st day of weening Bradley off of the bottle. We are going to try to make it so that, he just gets a bottle at night while going to sleep. The next step will be to ween him off of that also. But, for now the bottles during the day will do.

Bradley, is growing up super fast and has been up to lots of learning lately. He has mastered the crawl ... and can beat you to the follow places which he thinks are super cool.
~ The toilet
~ The dogs water bowl
~ The dogs toy bucket with lots of bones in it.
His favorite spot is the dogs water bowl. He will crawl right up to it and stick his hands in it and splash around. Bradley loves water... anything with water in it he wants to play in splash in. He went swimming for the first time since we have been in our new home. The other weekend and he loved it !!!

Bradley, has also mastered how to push himself into a sitting position from crawling. He also, now takes baths sitting up. He has mastered pulling himself in his crib... which has meant that the crib mattress is on the lowest setting. We have ordered his "big boy" bedding which we will be changing over his room to Sesame Street theme. We are in the midst of prepping for his birthday party. Which will take place August 19th... here is a preview of what we've go so far :)

These are the plates, napkins, cups, and forks. We've got more... but, the full photo of ALL items will have to wait :)

Bradley, has his 9 month baby well check up June 18th all of the stats will be posted then. He is such a great little boy and is becoming more and more toddler like each day.

We are having a blast with him!!!

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