Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tubby Time & Updates :)

Well, it's been a while it feels like since I have posted. It feels that way because, we have been in the midst of moving. Bradley, has been such a trooper and I know it's been rough on the whole family. Bradley has a wonderful new home. Where he can grow up in peace! We are finally settled so, the blogging shall continue. Here are a few photos of Bradley in the bath tonight. He is getting so big, he is sitting up in the bath as of yesterday. Still laying down to be washed though. He is crawling as of about 4 days ago. Now, he is into everything :) Even the dog has had a rude awakening lol. But, he seems to be doing really well. Actually when Bradley annoys him he gets up and walks away and lays down somewhere else. Pretty impressive if you ask me. Chief is getting much better with Bradley in general. Still, is not aware as to how big he really is and sometimes forget to look where he is walking but, daddy and mommy keep a close eye on both B and C and make sure they learn together. So far so good. 

Bradley received a new and much bigger room since moving. It gives him the freedom to crawl and it even fits all of his toys in it. Including the big ones. It's been a challenge to decorate but, so far it's coming along. Anyways... Bradley is now, saying "Mama" :) 

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