Thursday, April 26, 2012

8 Month Updates!

Happy 8 Months Birthday to my little man today! Although he does not go back to the Dr. for a well baby visit until June it which will be his 9 month visit. I thought I would update you as he continues to grow and learn new things each day.

Here are some of the newest things he has began to do...

~ Sitting up on his own.
~ The Army Crawl ( Gets around pretty great with this, it's amazing how fast he can wind up in a spot that is probably not the safest for him.)
~ Putting his hands together and shaking them.
~ He now smiles and shuts his eyes (it's hilarious)

So, those are the newest of his discoveries that he can do...

He has definitely discovered his voice. He likes to see how loud he can say "Da" and "Dada" and "La" and "T t t t t t " It's pretty funny.

His favorite toys are ...
~ His rubber duckies
~ His Turtle
~ His duck that sings
~ His jumpy thing

He is eating #2 baby foods right now... he will eat just about anything except for "peas".
He just started getting lunch about a month ago. He seems to sleep better at night because he is fuller.
He loves apple juice and as much as I want him to be a milk drinker when he is older... he may be like his mommy. He only gets Apple Juice when he constipated.

He loves his videos of Sesame Street.

He is on quite the schedule!

Other then that everything is going great! We are in midst of ordering/planning for his 1st Birthday :) Which we will be holding on August 26th  2012 :)

Life is good !!

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