Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Very Special Gift... For Bradley :)

Today, Bradley recieved his first Easter gift in the mail. The lady that sent it is one of the most important people in my life... as she gave me life and gave me the best mom & dad I could of ever asked for. My birth mom sent, Bradley these gifts and the card :) I'm so blessed and lucky to have her in my life and to have gotten to know her as much as I have. The onesie is from New York as one of Bradley's "Uncles" is attending NYU. I can't wait for the day that Bradley can meet them and get to know the great people that I have been so blessed to be able to get to know and have in my life. Not every adopted child can say, that she has her mother and her birth mother in her life. :)

This book says, it all :)

Thank You !

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