Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Some updates....

We I have been pretty side tracked the past few days. Needless to say... pictures were not taken on a daily basis and there for we are left a very few photos. Bradley, spent the day with Daddy yesterday while mommy went to Coeur d' Alene with Amanda to see Titanic. We had lots of fun but I sure as heck missed my little boy. He scored a new outfit though from Kohls while Amanda and I were down there. While, life is zooming right on by us it seems as though my little boy has figured out how to do a few new things. He also has gotten himself on quite the schedule. We started it and he has adjusted it to the way he wants things LOL. Not really, but it sure feels like that. I have tweaked it as he gets older. Today was the first day of "Lunch" at 11am.

Anyways... the other morning I walked into his room to get him up and ready to eat breakfast... this is what I found :)

I pulled the covers off of him and he woke up :)

Bradley can now sit up on his own... as some of you may have seen from a previous posting. He now is on a schedule that he LOVES! Thought I'd share it with you ...

Bradley gets up around 7am usually lies in his crib till around 7:30am and then I get up and get him out and get him into his high chair. Make his rice cereal and by that time it is usually 8am which means he has been fed, and gets the rest of his formula that i used to make the cereal. Then it's off to watch an episode or two of Sesame Street videos which are about 30 minutes long. By that time it is usually around 9:30 or so... so, we will spread out the blanket and play in his room. He is so close to crawling it's maddening to him. Today, like i said, we started "lunch" at 11am. After lunch it's off to relax in his room before winding down and ready for a nap anywhere between Noon and 12:30pm. Bradley will usually sleep for 2 hours. Then it's up and onto a bottle and then play time/hang out with mommy time. Dinner usually arrives around 5:30 and then it's off to take a bath and start winding down for bed. He is usually in bed and asleep no later then 8pm.

Baby B... is doing great :)

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