Thursday, April 5, 2012

And Were Sitting Up!

Well, we've made it! Bradley, is sitting up :-) I can't believe how fast this little boy is growing up. It seems like just yesterday we were on our way to the hospital. Being a mommy is something that I have wanted for so long. I'm so glad that it happened when it did. This little boy steals more of my heart every single day. So, this morning Bradley watched one of his favorite shows and then we went into his room to play. We worked on sitting up and by the end of the hour we were in there he had sitting pretty down pat. :)

This was one of the first times we tried it! While in the room this morning.

This picture ended with him falling and bumping his head. He was fine until I made a "uuuh" noise.

So, I decided to keep my hand back behind him just in case he decided that he was going to lean backwards.

He was getting pretty stable by this point.

But, he still has to figure out that he can't just randomly fly backwards.

He is growing up so fast! I can't believe that in a little over 4 months we will be throwing a 1st birthday for him. :) We can't wait!

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