Thursday, April 19, 2012

Yesterday Fun :)

Yesterday, Mommy & Daddy took the day to clean out the garage some and sell some things on FB's Sandpoint Yardsale sight. so, Bradley had a pretty relaxing day hanging at home with Mommy & Daddy. I believe him and the dog are going to be best of buds one day and it seems to be getting better as each day passes the dog is learning tht he has to be gentle with the baby. Bradley, is also learning what he can and can not do to Chief. surprisingly he seems to know what the word NO means. I could just be dreaming also. Now that Bradley is out of the blue room it has turned into quite the mess with my newest obsession selling things online. So, he spends most of his time in the room with me. But, he seems to enjoy rolling around and finding new things to eat and chew on which is not much lol. Here are a few pictures from yesterday...

A month ago this would of never happened....

Totally loved this photo :)

He was having fun rolling around so, I tried to capture as much of it on film as possible!

Love both of my boys in these pictures :-)

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