Sunday, April 22, 2012

1st Swim of the Summer :)

Well, this morning we made a trip to Wal ~ Mart to get Bradley some formula. While we were there we looked at outside furniture for the very near future. Well, we came across the kiddie isle and in it they had inflatable pools. Well, we found some that were pretty cheap... seven bucks cheep. So, we decided to go ahead an buy one for Bradley. When we got home daddy wanted to save it for our new home. But, mommy insisted on opening it up and blowing it up and letting Bradley have some fun. So, we did just that. We used a bucket to fill it up with luke warm water and we brought some of Bradley's bath toys outside for him to play with in the pool. He took a few face plants into the water but, he did not mind one bit. It seemed to make him happy :) lol. We are pretty sure that we have a little water baby on our hands. He was having so much fun :))

My little water boy :)

How do I grab these toys when they are floating ?

Gotcha :)

Now, I can eat ya :)

Chillin in the pool...

My little boy :)

The End :) We had so much fun :)

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