Saturday, March 31, 2012

After Bath Time ....

This evening before Daddy came home and after Bradley had gotten a bath. We played in his room for a while before he started to crash so, I decided to put in a "show" for him so, he could wind down for the night. He has not been sleeping well lately and I'm not sure why. But, it's effecting his mood at some points in the day. Well, while he was playing he decided that he wanted to check out the door way and the door it self to his room. Pretty funny and entertaining to watch him roll from on spot to the next. It was funny to watch him try and get the door to close LOL.

Well, earlier in the day I took a picture of Daddy's item that he is saving for Bradley... right now it sits next to his name on his wall.

The toy he has in his mouth ... he has someone that has fur on his body that also wants the toy LOL. Can you take a guess who that would be ? We have to hide it so Chief does not get it!

His favorite duck in the whole wide world!

I'm not sure why he likes to grab two things at once!

Making his way to the door way :)


That wall must be really, really, really neat!

Making his way back... only this time reading a book !

Trying to grab the blanket with it!

Maybe he will be a reader on the toilet HAHA jk!

The End...

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