Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mr. B... And the pose...

This morning we all settled in to watch American Idol and Dr. Phil :) after eating his fruit medley for breakfast Bradley, was set to go for the morning.

Here is a photo of the Mr. B and the dog...

Every morning I have the same routine ... I go around and open all the blinds and then go and say, Good Morning to Mr. B... and every morning I seem to find him in some odd position in his crib. The pose I found him in this morning is one of his new poses and it looks as though he is trying to model. So, I snapped a few different shots and he would not leave the pose he was in ... take a look... LOL

Smokin' hot ladies :)

Mr. Personality even in the morning :)

Maybe this is a preview of what is to come :) LOL jk!

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