Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bradley Meet's Gracie !!

While Gracie was not to sure about Bradley at the begining of the trip to California! By the end she was doing pretty darn well with Bradley. Gracie was Miss. Jealous for a few days while Bradley and I were in California . I feel like she did extremely well for having a house that is usually just her and mom and dad. Bradley seemed to like Gracie just as much as he likes Chief at home. It seemed like everytime I went to take a phot Gracie was right there...

Two of the sweetest "people" I know :)

Bradley, Cousin Michelle, Grammy & Gracie's fur ;)

Cousin Michelle playing with Bradley ... Gracie in the background!

Sweet Doggy :)

Sweet doggy 2 ...

Sweet Doggy 3....

This was the 1st morning we were there. She still was not to sure ...

She enjoyed laying with him though :)

So much fun!!!

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