Friday, March 16, 2012

The "Hat"...

While we were in Chico Mamo wanted to go shopping for a outfit for Bradley. We went to JcPenny's and picked out the cutest crab outfit. It was blue and white big stripes. It was pretty darn cute!!! We thought it needed a hat so, we were looking all over the store for a hat. Well, we went around a corner and there were little beach hats that were going to be to big for Bradley but, we picked one out anyways. We decided to try it out on him and needless to say, it gave both me and my mother in law a pretty good laugh. We then went over to Sears to have his professional photos taken :) Here are some before photos... with the hat :)

My mother in law strolling through the mall with Bradley by her side :)

And another photo of my mother in law with her grandson :)

We can't wait to get the professional photos. :)

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