Monday, March 26, 2012

Future Messy Quad Rider :)

Yesterday, we got alot of things done around the house ! Bradley, tagged along as we went to the dump, grocery food shopping, and to wal-mart. We also jumped Daddy's truck that is never drivin. It had been sitting for weeks in the cold with snow covered on it. But, since yesterday we have been driving the truck around :) It's pretty fun and Bradley seems to enjoy it. Daddy took the plow off the quad yesterday and once he was done. I set Bradley on it and we snapped some photos. Then last night after Bradley ate some dinner he got something new that he had never tried before. It was one of the packs of apples sauce like stuff that they can squeeze out and eat. Well, Daddy put some on a spoon and needless to say, Bradley loved it! He had some more this morning for Breakfast. Here are some photos from yesterday...

My handsome little man :)


More Daddy, More!!!!

Precious :)

He was havin' so much fun :)

Love my boys!

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