Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Magic Blue Carpet !

After having fun on the sport blanket... Bradley decided that, it would be a good time to go ahead and roll right off of it. So, he rolled towards his dresser and managed to pull the drawer out about half way. I quickly ended that adventure as I was afraid he would manage to get stuck LOL. I sent him back on his way and he rolled his way to the "Magic Blue Carpet" ...

The almost not so good ending with bottom dresser drawer!

And... The magic blue carpet!

Oh, so cute!

I'm not sure what the "obsession" was with this blue carpet!

He had to either be on it, next to it or eating it LOL!

And enough said... LOL

He loves that rattle!

Eating it or sniffing it ... not sure which one! None the less ... still adorable!

Not going much further!

The End...

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